Bon Bon

Book Two, Story Two

Bon Bon is a bay colored Quarter Horse mare (a girl horse) at the Capital Area Therapeutic Riding Association (CATRA), Grantville, PA. Bon Bon is ridden by many of the children there in lessons and in shows. Bon Bon is a large and gentle horse who many of the children love. She is quiet and easy to love. Since there were already so many “girls” in this story, I chose to make Bon Bon a gelding (a boy horse) in the story “Bon Bon’s Big Ears”. Since the real Bronwen rode the real Bon Bon, it was a team made in heaven to include them both in this story.



What Our Readers Say…

Nancy and Frank Shay, and children, Ryan and Sara Rappoport
Davenport, FL
We enjoyed meeting you at the Horse World Expo and what you said to Ryan has stayed with him. He just recently used your book as his main focus for his oral presentation at school. We have read your entire book as a family and absolutely love the moral messages behind each story. What a gift you have!