Baby Black

Book Two, Story Five

Baby Black is a very small cat at my farm. She stayed small even when she grew up. “BB,” as I call her, has only one eye from birth, and her whiskers are white on one side and black on the other, just like in the story…her looks are very odd, or, special, I would say. Baby Black is very affectionate and loves to be petted, although she is feral and does not like to be picked up. She hops and leaps to me when she first sees me at the barn, a very special welcome. It’s always a joy to see her! You can read about Baby Black on my blog (, menu item “On the Farm”). The character in this story is a combination of Baby Black and Sugar, the cat with the crooked tail (you can also read about Sugar on my blog), another cat at my barn. Sugar’s crooked tail makes her walk sideways sometimes. She does not have the balance of other cats with straight tails, but she gets along fine. Sugar also hops and leaps to see me when I go to the barn. Sugar is also feral, but she loves to be picked up and petted. Although Baby Black is a female feline at my farm, I made her a male cat in the story.



What Our Readers Say…

Angie Forry, and daughter, Olivia, age 5
Lebanon, PA
Last evening I read the first story of your book, ‘Shiloh and the Barn Mouse’ to my daughter, Olivia. She loved the story so much that last night she went to sleep hugging the book. This morning when I left for work she was paging through it with her friend. She was so happy and excited! We will start reading the other stories this weekend. This is Olivia’s most favorite book EVER!