
Book Six, Story Four

Tattoo is such a handsome boy. His black spots look like tattoos. That’s how he got his name! Like Tikki, Tattoo loves to be petted and, in fact, they are brother and sister. Tattoo loves to roam in the woods, so it’s no wonder that he met a skunk like Tippy. At night, Tattoo is always inside the barn. He wouldn’t miss a meal of canned cat food for anything!



What Our Readers Say…

Connor Bates, age 9
Camp Hill, PA
I read Book One and Book Two and loved all the animals and how they talked to each other. I especially liked Shiloh in the first book because I was able to meet the real Shiloh and feed him at Miss Cynthia’s farm. I also like to draw and really liked the pictures in the book. I want to be an artist when I grow up.