
Book One, Story Four

Sabrina ‘s story is almost entirely TRUE! She was a cat who turned up outside my barn one day, sitting in the field, staring at me and the barn. She had a leather collar around her neck and I never knew where she came from, just like the story, “Sabrina the Mystery Cat” in Book One, Story Four. It took me six months to touch her and take that collar off her neck. Then eventually, she did sit on my lap and she also curled up inside my coat in the winter. One winter I spent one hour at my barn sitting on a bale of hay with Sabrina curled up and sleeping inside my winter coat. Because she looked so comfortable, I didn’t want to disturb her. I enjoyed that time just as much as she did! My nephew, Ryan, named her “Sabrina”, that is also true. I often wondered where Sabrina went when she was away from my barn, and that is how this story was imagined. Sabrina has even more real secrets that would surprise you, and maybe someday I will tell you more of them! For right now, that is between Sabrina and me!



What Our Readers Say…

Wendy T.
Annville, PA
Thanks for another wonderful book, I just finished reading it to my two youngest girls. The story of Merrilee, the cat, was one of our favorites because we have a house cat that looks just like her. The girls really enjoyed looking at the pictures of your ‘Apple “Critters'. I really enjoy the lesson each story has in it. Let me know when you have your next book for sale.