Tiger and Callie

Book Two, Story Five

Tiger was one of the first kittens born at my farm. Tiger is a very pretty striped orange cat, as feral (wild) as Ebbie, her woods-born mother. Ebbie, Tiger’s mother, is still the scarediest cat I have ever met! Although Tiger never lets me pet her, she always brings her kittens to meet me. I am always able to hold and pet her kittens, so they are not feral, and then I can find them good homes. Her kittens are all very friendly to me and to visitors to the farm. Callie, one of her kittens who is in this story, is such a sweetheart, very loving, the only kitten in Tiger’s litter that spring. I named Tiger not only for her orange stripes, but also in honor of my nephew, Ryan, who loves tigers and has a collection of them—all kinds of stuffed animals and anything to do with tigers. I named Callie for her calico colors. Tiger and Callie were perfect for this story since what they did in this story is exactly what they would have done if the story was true!



What Our Readers Say…

Connor Bates, age 9
Camp Hill, PA
I read Book One and Book Two and loved all the animals and how they talked to each other. I especially liked Shiloh in the first book because I was able to meet the real Shiloh and feed him at Miss Cynthia’s farm. I also like to draw and really liked the pictures in the book. I want to be an artist when I grow up.